The Light Within 

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

November 13, 2020

The Light of God is within us. Once lit, it burns forever. Once having been ignited we are in touch at all times with the Divine.

By meditating daily, we can see for ourselves the Light of God burning within. As we meditate and go within, we see the same Light of God that shines in us glowing in all other people as well. That sense of unity breaks down the outer divisions that typically divide people. We are all one family. Through meditation, we experience our sense of oneness both internally and externally.

Brilliant lights await us within. We need only to sit in meditation for some time daily to enjoy them.

Enjoy this 30-second clip featuring a quote by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji on the divine Light that is in all creation.

article Rajinder meditation end


About the author Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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