The Ocean of God’s Love

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

May 5, 2020

When we swim in the crystal clear, pure ocean of God, we can see the reflection of our true self or soul. There is no grime or dirt to muddy it. We can see to the depth of the ocean, undistracted by anything that keeps our attention from the calm of the water. Its loving waves lap against us. There are no attractions to lead us away from our peace.

Sant Rajinder Singh science spirituality​A blissful pool of divine water is within all the time. We can dip into it anytime through meditation. When we tap into this pool, we are free from worries. We enter total relaxation. Its soothing waters wash away the tensions of the mind and body. When our soul is bathed, bliss also permeates our mind and body. The mind is under control, so it does not disturb our tranquility at the level of the soul.

If this divine pool is always within us, why don’t we take a swim in it? Unfortunately, we are swimming with our distracting thoughts. If we opt to swim with these thoughts, the lovely pool becomes muddied. The calm waters turn into a mud hole. It is thick, sticky, and heavy, and it entraps us.

Rather than swimming with thoughts that distract us from our spiritual goals, we should swim with God. When we swim with God, we are satisfied. We become absorbed in the spiritual treasures within us and are filled with happiness and peace.

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About the author Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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