Perseverance in Our Meditations

Perseverance in Our Meditations

Perseverance in Our Meditations Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj June 9, 2020 When we sit for daily meditation, we are gaining proficiency and will eventually see the desired results. Sometimes, we may sit day after day, and it appears that we are not making progress....
World Environment Day

World Environment Day

World Environment Day Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj June 5, 2020 There is a perfect balance in nature. The planet, the environment, and all life are part of a living, interdependent system. Seen from the proper perspective, there is no division or duality. Life...
World Meditation Day

World Meditation Day

World Meditation Day Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj May 21, 2020 Today, we celebrate World Meditation Day, and the many benefits that it offers. Let us explore the personal transformation that can come about through meditation. By meditating, we discover the Light of...
Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj May 10, 2020 Today is Mother’s Day, a day on which we show love and gratitude to our mothers for the help they have provided us to make us who we are today. This is a day on which we honor our mothers. It is a day on...
The Ocean of God’s Love

The Ocean of God’s Love

The Ocean of God’s Love Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj May 5, 2020 When we swim in the crystal clear, pure ocean of God, we can see the reflection of our true self or soul. There is no grime or dirt to muddy it. We can see to the depth of the ocean, undistracted by...
The Best of Both Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj May 1, 2020 Many people in the West are under the misconception that those who search for God must leave their homes and society and live in the jungles or on the mountaintops. Perhaps it was possible in the past,...