by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Mar 25, 2020 | Masters Messages
What is Living a Spiritual Life Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj March 25, 2020 Living a spiritual life begins with a yearning. Somewhere in the midst of our busy lives a small voice from within tells us that there is something missing in our lives. We feel that...
by Nehal Sheth | Mar 21, 2020 | Front Page, Front Page - Blog, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Growth - Blog
Serving God’s Creation Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Every evening, a family sat down to dinner and said prayers over their food. The father concluded the prayer by asking that God come to the table as a guest of the family and bless their food. Each night the father...
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Mar 21, 2020 | Front Page Media Tab
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji addresses the question: “What happens when the input we receive daily is predominantly information filled with things that upset us, trouble us, or put us into states of fear?”
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Mar 19, 2020 | Front Page Media Tab
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji asks: “Why is it that we are unable to experience God’s love when we are surrounded by it?” Click the image for this thought-provoking article.
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Mar 19, 2020 | Front Page Media Tab
In this this heart-to-heart talk, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj focuses on the purpose of our life.