When we can let go of our desires for worldly gains, we can be free. Our soul can then experience the love and beauty that God has to offer.
Inspiring quotes, videos and articles by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
From Recent Spiritual Talks
Science of Spirituality
Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, non-profit organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation.
Headquartered in Lisle, Illinois, it is run under the guidance of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, a world-renowned spiritual Master.
Science of Spirituality presents spirituality as a science that can be practiced by people of all backgrounds and from all walks of life.
Audiobook Available Now
In this book, he shares his deep wisdom, insights, and simple exercises to help you experience peace, happiness, and fulfillment at the personal level, and learn how the experience of inner peace inevitably leads to the realization of outer peace.
Latest Articles
Ein gesunder Geist durch Meditation
Wir können den Stress, die Angst und die Anspannung, die wir auf mentaler Ebene haben, zum Großteil vermeiden, wenn wir meditieren lernen. Meditation ist ein Weg, den Stress auf der Ebene des Gemüts zu reduzieren undgeistige Gesundheit zu entwickeln. Mit einem gesunden Geist können wir den Herausforderungen des Lebens auf ruhige und gelassene Weise begegnen, ohne uns verletzt, deprimiert, verunsichert, ängstlich oder bedroht zu fühlen.
Wieerlangtman spirituellesBewusstsein?
Der Ozean des spirituellen Bewusstseins ist ein Ozean der Liebe. Dies ist für uns schwer zu verstehen, weil wir als Menschen ein begrenztes Verständnis von Liebe haben.Was wir für Liebe halten, ist nur eine Widerspiegelung einer viel höheren Liebe, einer göttlichen Liebe.
Why Vegetarian?
The diet we choose impacts all aspects of our health and affects our environment. People from various backgrounds and cultures have chosen to go vegetarian, and the diet is fast becoming mainstream. In fact, some suggest the question should no longer be “Why are you a vegetarian or a vegan?” but, “Why are you not?”
Featured Videos
We Each Have a Role to Play
Here, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj expresses his appreciation for the health care professionals risking their lives during the Pandemic and explains how we can help.
Enhancing Our Spiritual Capital
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj tells us the purpose of our being here is to connect with ourselves and discover who we truly are. This we do when we sit in silence, when we meditate.
Finding God in Challenging Times
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj offers suggestions for staying positive in times of isolation. He says we should pay attention to our physical health and stay active mentally.