Holiday Season

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

December 24, 2020

As we head into the holiday season, a season of sharing and caring, we find that there is joy and good cheer in the air. At this time of year, let us also “remember the reason for the season.” There is a special spirit about this season. It is a time when we open our hearts to our fellow beings and take time to be with those we love, think more about others, and try to show them how we feel.

holiday lights Rajinder SinghIt is a time when we radiate warmth and love to all around us, when we are more patient, more tolerant, more compassionate to others. A time when we give, give, and give to all around us to bring joy and happiness to their lives and to alleviate their burdens. Part of the joyousness of the season is due to these noble qualities of fellowship, love, and selfless giving, which most people exhibit in abundance during this time of year.

If we can capture the spirit of the season and practice these virtues all year round, we will find that we will bring joy and cheer wherever we go. We will help make our lives and the lives of those around us special and joyous every day.  Then the happiness, the holiday spirit, and the jolliness we find in people during this season will enliven the atmosphere all year round, and we will make every day of the year a holiday for ourselves and for those around us. I pray that we all have a holiday season enriched by divine love, grace, and eternal bliss.

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About the author Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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