Preventive Health through
Vegetarianism and Meditation

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Preventive health through vegetarianism and meditation is a popular keynote topic of Veggie Fest, in Lisle/Naperville, Illinois, drawing about 40,000 people locally and internationally. Medical doctors, nutritionists, and mental health practitioners give informative and motivational speeches highlighting research that shows how a vegetarian diet and meditation improves physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

Vibrant vegan salad

Benefits of Vegetarianism and Meditation

The benefits of both vegetarianism and meditation are profound. Through meditating and eating a vegetarian diet, studies show that one can cut the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. It can also reduce inflammation which leads to many other preventable illnesses.

Along with improving the health of our body and mind, meditation and eating a vegetarian diet contributes to our spiritual well-being. We are better able to sit in stillness so we can meditate better, focusing and concentrating within to experience inner spiritual treasures.

Through the practice of meditation, people are able to connect with the inner self. While sitting in a comfortable position at home or anywhere else, we can tap into experiences to explore the gifts that lie within us.

We have a spiritual essence that exists beyond the physical body. When we identify with that spiritual part of ourselves we can become conscious of what lies within us.

It is encouraging to see the response to Veggie Fest. It shows that people are focusing on preventive health in the form of a vegetarian diet and meditation for a healthier body, mind, and spirit.

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About the author Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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Vegetarismo e Spiritualità

Per coloro che sono interessati a migliorare la propria salute, il vegetarismo è ora sostenuto da molti medici, per il fatto che questa dieta fornisce una nutrizione ottimale e protegge contro molte malattie causate da cibi non vegetariani. Nel considerare la dieta vegetariana, la maggior parte della gente si concentra sui benefici per la salute.

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