Tap the Wisdom of Your Soul

By Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

One of the rich qualities of the soul includes wisdom. Tapping into our soul and its powers can enrich and transform our life. How can we tap into the power of our soul to access its wisdom? This inner wisdom is available to us any time we want, through meditation.

Unlimited Wisdom within You

What is unlimited wisdom? It is not the intellectual knowledge that we learn from lectures or books; it is consciousness. God is described as being “consciousness.” Our soul, being the same essence as God, is also consciousness. It is a “state of knowing all that is to be known.”

When we access the divine wisdom, we reach a state of all-consciousness, one in which we know the answers to life’s mysteries and our purpose in life. We see life as more than a string of meaningless events, and find a lesson and message in all that occurs.

Those who have tapped into their soul look at life from a refreshing perspective. Rather than be tossed about on the sea of life, dashed by every wave, they watch their life like a movie with subtitles, in which the words at the bottom of the screen let them know what is going on at the spiritual level. They may still experience the thrashing waves, but they observe them with the inner knowledge that there is reason and purpose to the particular situation.

We can look at all that happens to us through the eye of our immortal soul. When we do so, events become like passing, fleeting clouds upon the backdrop of a clear, calm, and peaceful sky. Our equanimity is preserved as we patiently wait for the fleeting events of life to cross our vision, knowing that one day they will be transformed into another scene, full of peace, joy, and love.

Meditation is the Key that Can Unlock the Wisdom of the Soul

We remain ignorant of this inner wisdom because blockages keep us from tapping into them. How can we remove these blockages? What process do we need to employ to discover all that we seek?

There are simple techniques for accessing the wisdom of our soul. We need not search the four corners of the earth. We need not travel into outer space. These techniques can be practiced in the comfort of our home. We need only to look within through meditation.

The Wisdom Within

Within us is a wisdom greater than any we can ever accumulate on earth. We have inside us a source of knowledge from which all other knowledge flows. This wisdom is within us and is accessible through meditation.

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About the author Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

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