by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Oct 16, 2019 | Front Page Media Tab
We live in a world of duality, thinking that those who look, speak, or act differently from us are separate from us. The realization that we are all one evolves through meditation.
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Oct 15, 2019 | Front Page Media Tab
In this article, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji gives tips on how we can offer love and remain calm in the face of anger from others.
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Oct 14, 2019 | Front Page, Front Page - Blog, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Growth - Blog
Ego: Its Nature andand How to Eliminate It Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Ego is subtle. It manifests itself in different forms. We usually refer to ego as pride. Let us take a closer look at the different kinds of pride. Pride of power When we fall victim to pride...
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Oct 14, 2019 | Front Page Media Tab
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj explains in this article that meditation is a way to eliminate the lack of balance caused by the mental stresses of life. A video on avoiding worry and stress is included. (Click image)
by Sheila Rogers DeMare | Oct 14, 2019 | Front Page Media Tab
We are soul, a part of God, and we are filled with love, wisdom, and fearlessness – Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj